Senior Physics Laboratory Spring Semester 2024
Electron spin resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers in room temperature
From the room temperature optics setup, we measured electron spin resonance (ESR) of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds, which is a good platform for quantum sensing and computing. We successfully measured the photoluminescence dip at 2.8716 GHz, matching the theoretical zero-field splitting of the NV center's ground state. Aligning the complex optics setups and control via LabView was the challenging part of this experiment. From this experiment, I learned the energy structures of the NV center and its control technique.
Atomic Force Microscopy
Gained foundational knowledge of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and hands-on experience with Lens AFM by imaging a variety of samples.
Low-noise measurement
In this project, I conducted low-noise measurements using custom-built current amplifiers to analyze the noise characteristics of basic circuit components, such as resistors and BNC cables. By evaluating thermal and capacitive noise, the results were consistent with noise floor estimations, though saturation effects were observed at higher gains. Throughout this project, I learned understanding the noise source and its amplitude is crucial as how the amplifier is connected to matter in case amplifiers are used many times.