Stage 1: Schrodinger dynamics#

Spin chain QTD#

Together with the Hamiltonian, the Schrodinger equation describes the QTD of the spin chain; in particular, the evolution of the state-vector is governed by the partial differential equation

\[i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \vert \psi(t) \rangle = \mathcal{H} \vert \psi(t) \rangle.\]


Here \(\hbar\) denotes the reduced Planck constant, not to be confused with the external magnetic field strength \(h\) defining the Heisenberg Hamiltonian \(\mathcal{H}\).

We can solve the last equation using the matrix exponential:

\[\vert \psi(t) \rangle = e^{-i \mathcal{H} t / \hbar} \vert \psi_0 \rangle,\]

where \(\vert \psi(t=0) \rangle = \vert \psi_0 \rangle\) denotes the system’s initial state. The unitary operator \(U(t) = e^{-i H t / \hbar}\) is known as a time propagator. For simplicity, we will work in the so-called natural units, which means we take \(\hbar = 1\).

Let the games begin!#

Your task will be to simulate the spin-chain’s state-vector \(\vert \psi(t) \rangle\) at various time points. Essentially, we need to evaluate the time propagator

\[U(t) = e^{-i \mathcal{H} t}.\]

The complication is that the associated computational cost quickly becomes prohibitive, even for modest system sizes. To see this, recall that the matrix exponential is defined via a Taylor series:

(1)#\[e^A = \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty} \frac{A^k}{k!}\]

for any square matrix \(A\).

Exercise 1.1

Suppose \(A\) is a complex \(m \times m\) matrix. In addition, suppose that for each \(t \geq 0\), \(z(t)\) is a complex \(m\)-vector. Use the defining series in Relation (1) to show that \(z(t) = e^{t A} z(0)\) is a solution to

\[z'(t) = A z(t).\]

Thus if \(A\) is \(m \times m\), then in general we need \(O(m^3)\) floating point operations (flops) to compute \(A^2\). Therefore we’d need \(O(K m^3)\) to approximate \(e^A\) using the first \(K\) terms in its defining series. Since our \(n\)-particle system Hamiltonian is an operator on the state space \(\left(\mathbb{C}^2\right)^{\otimes N}\), it is represented by a \(2^N \times 2^N\) matrix. This means that even for \(N = 20\) sites and \(K = 1000\) terms, we would need at least \(K m^3 = 1000 \cdot (2^{20})^3 \approx 2^{70} > 10^{20}\) flops to approximate our time propagator \(U(t) = e^{- i \mathcal{H} t}\) at a single time point! This is exa-scale computing and it can only be achieved on the world’s largest supercomputers.

The above analysis should not suggest that truncating the series defining the exponential is the leading way of numerically computing the matrix exponential in practice; rather, it provides a simple and concrete lower bound on performance. Really one would probably leverage a differential equation solver to obtain the vector \(\vert \psi(t) \rangle = e^{-i \mathcal{H} t} \vert \psi_0 \rangle\) directly, or a matrix factorization like the spectral decomposition to compute \(\vert \psi(t) \rangle\) with high accuracy at various time points. In the first case, the computational cost is \(O(m^2)\) times a polynomial in \(t\) and the error compounds over time, with \(m = 2^N\); in the second, we pay \(O(m^3)\) up front to compute the factorization but then we only need \(O(m^2)\) operations to evaluate \(\vert \psi(t) \rangle\) at each time point. See Moler and Van Loan [MVL03] for details.

We will use a quantum computer to implement the time propagator efficiently. The following phases will guide you through it.